At Shoot The Pooch, we know that dog lovers aren't just fans of their fur babies - they're obsessed! Our stunning dog photography captures the essence of your furry friend, providing you with memories to cherish forever. With each photo shoot, we aim to showcase the unique personality and spirit of your beloved pup. Dog lovers, get ready to swoon over the heartwarming moments we'll capture at Shoot The Pooch!

Our passion is DOGS and PHOTOGRAPHY

charlie border collie
by Amanda Brook 02 Sept, 2023
Charlie is a border collie who comes from a lineage of show dogs. He is a purebred and his breeder is Furrevah Border Collies, situated on the outskirts of Orange, NSW.
by Amanda Brook 04 Jul, 2023
Introducing the 7 month old golden retriever, Margo. Capturing hearts with their irresistible smiles and lustrous, golden coats, golden retrievers make for incredibly loyal and obedient family members.
dog photography central coast
by Amanda Brook 03 May, 2023
Archer is our March 2023 Face of Shoot the Pooch
by Amanda Brook 15 Mar, 2023
When 2 gorgeous breeds collide, they come together to make one magnificent breed known as the Shepsky
sam shoot the pooch face of
by Amanda Brook 06 Mar, 2023
Our first ever Face of Shoot The Pooch is here. Check out Sam and find out how your dog can be a part of it too.

Don't think your dog will sit still ? 


You dont need to worry at many SHOOTS dogs remain on lead for different reasons

In post editing we can remove leads and any other things needed to provide you with your stunning finished image.

open road magazine
by Amanda Brook 12 Sept, 2023
Proud to have my photography featured on the cover of Open Road magazine

Why Dog Owners Love Us


Fair pricing


Family business

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